Iris-Testshard (Iris: 4 Kingdoms)

Shard Stats
Download the iris4kingdoms file and extract to any Directory. Edit the path of the config below for mapfilename, staidxfilename and staticfilename.
and put this into your "config.lua":

gClientVersion = ""
gShardList["Iris : 4 Kingdoms"] = {
		gLoginname = "xxxx",	-- Loginname
		gPassword = "xxxx",	-- Password
		gLoginServerIP = "",
		gLoginServerPort = 2593,
		gMaps = {
			[0] = {
				name = "Trammel",
				mapwidth = 896,
				mapheight = 512,
				skybox = "cleansky",
				fog_r = 228,
				fog_g = 208,
				fog_b = 166,
				mapfilename	= "\\_iris_online\\map0.mul",
				staidxfilename	= "\\_iris_online\\staidx0.mul",
				staticfilename	= "\\_iris_online\\statics0.mul",

Contact: seabeams at gmx dot net